Converting YahooMusic files to iTunes


New member
The WDW Forever torrent files downloaded to my computer as YahooMusic files, and they don't play on iTunes. The only way I could do it is burn it to a CD then have iTunes take it from the CD. Any better ways?
Yahoo Music files "should" be wma files. Obviously your PC sees them as "Yahoo Music Files" in the file associations (mine come up as WMP files).
You need to convert them as I don't think iTunes can play that format (nor ogg or flac amongst others).
Google for "itunes play wma" for solutions and software or "convert wma to mp3" or whatever file you want to end up with.
With the cost of a CD being so little, your way is probably as good as any (at least you can always play the CD) ;D
Are your "Yahoo music files" purchased from an online store?  If so, they are probably "DRM" protected and won't easily convert to other formats.

Though iTunes won't directly play .wma files, it WILL transcode them into AAC MPEG-4 audio (.m4a) for you when you drag the files into its window.  This is only so if it's not DRM protected, though.
I would presume that the files you refer to are the ones from Sir Lamer's upload on this site?
In that case, they are flac files which, again, won't play on iTunes without conversion.
Those files won't be protected and (I presume) wouldn't be available on YahooMusic (otherwise they wouldn't be on here) ;D
You'll still have to convert them 'cos iTunes doesn't play flac either.
Do a right click and select "properties" and see what kind of files they are.
YahooMusic files are only what your PC "THINKS" they are from information you or a program have given it.
My ISO files come up as "open with Switch" and thinks they are audio files so don't be guided by the name - go by the extension!

Please tell us what the extension is - as Dolbyman asked earlier. It would make life easier and stop us having to second guess. ::)
I can't tell what kind of file this is except that when I rightclick it, its says its format is "Yahoo! Music Jukebox File."

BTW, eyore - I'd never use read-only CDs for this transfer. It's too much of a waste. I keep burning & erasing on a CD-RW.
I just downloaded the Advanced WMA Workshop to try to convert these to mp3. It turns out these files are FLAC files. Any suggestions?
eyore said:
I would presume that the files you refer to are the ones from Sir Lamer's upload on this site?
In that case, they are flac files which, again, won't play on iTunes without conversion...

Please tell us what the extension is - as Dolbyman asked earlier. It would make life easier and stop us having to second guess. ::)

YES! Thanks - it is SirLamer's upload. HELP!

I tried googling, I got Advanced WMA Workshop, and that seems to be converting the FLAC files to MP3... but slowly and only 5 files at a time. Any other suggestions?
Flac files are usually pretty large and so will take some time to convert. Also depends on your PC speed and power.
You could look at
for one method using Winamp.
There's plenty of stuff out there but the freeware generally is slower than paid for.
Keep on trying various programs and see which works best on your PC. ;)

I take it you have selected not to display extensions on your PC. (eg "Epcot" rather than Epcot.mp3)
That can be a bad idea sometimes.
Google "display file extensions" for more info.
Personally, I like to know what kind of file I am opening ;D
I can't tell what kind of file this is except that when I rightclick it, its says its format is "Yahoo! Music Jukebox File."

if you hide known extensions .. please undo so .. this is very dangerous

here is a guide to undo this stupid (windows default .. so not your fault) setting
Thanks for the help - it's very appreciated.
I did disable the "hide file extentions' on my computer.

I'm just curious - what kind of "danger" could there be, or should I be looking for?
I'm just curious - what kind of "danger" could there be, or should I be looking for?

thats pretty easy .. imagine:

mp3 files can't contain any viruses or damaging programs (no case is knows to me that any buffer overrflow or e.g. contained smth harmfull)

so you're pretty relaxed when it comes to the file ending *.mp3

so I send you an email with disneytunes.mp3.exe but the exe is a known extension and gets blended out .. so you only see disneytunes.mp3 .. you doubleklick it without a second thought and whoops your pc is down
Thanks for the tip.

Anyway, solving one problem always presents another:

eyore said:
You could look at
for one method using Winamp.

OK, did this one and its good & quick, and it plays on itunes ok, but for some reason these new files are "locked" - can't assign artwork to it (no big deal) and can't sync onto my ipod (very big deal). Any idea how to "unlock" these, or do I start over with another FLAC->mp3 program?
Don't have an iPod and don't synch anything at all so can't really help there.
I also know nothing about assigning artwork to mp3s at all - something I have never done apart from Album covers via old version of Musicmatch.
The files shouldn't have any protection on them but I'm not that well up on Flac files either.
As they are now MP3s, you need to start searching (start with the file properies of course and see what they say).
Is there a drop down box in the converter that you may have selected something wrong?
Googling may help.
Here's one I found with the same problem.
although I have no idea what they are talking about ;D