Date display


New member
I'd like to suggest using the universal standard date format of year-mon-day rather than the current day/mon/year, in the US the standard is mon/day/year which is confusing.
Personally, I don't think it is a big issue.  Once you know that's the format ... then that's the format  :)
The bigger question is ... when will we (the U.S.) go metric?  :D
terra950 said:
Personally, I don't think it is a big issue.  Once you know that's the format ... then that's the format  :)
The bigger question is ... when will we (the U.S.) go metric?   :D
Ah! I want the US to go metric! It seems so much more logical.
Maybe but we went metric (money-wise) in the UK in 1971 and I still think in pounds, shillings and pence - and measure in feet and inches! Litres? Kilos?  Argh! Just put petrol (gas) in my car and have no idea how much went in (still think in pints and gallons). Ton - Tonne. Ow, my head hurts.
Give us old 'uns a chance.
A meter to me is "three feet and a bit"  ;D
Still, it is confusing when the day and the month are 12 or below 6.12.08.
6th December or 12th of June? No problem with 6.23.08. Just those Americans doing it backwards! :P
I rather like 6 Jun or Jun 6. I can cope with that!
Well, at least our monetary system is Base-10.  Now if we could just drop the penny and go to dollar coins.  ;D  You guys up there have the right idea with the Loonies and Toonies, I think.

My wife is Canadian and we travel to Toronto quite a bit.  I'm getting pretty good at converting temperatures and distances quickly in my head.  I don't worry much about liquids ... wine and spirits here are already in litres, and a "pint of ale" seems to practically be universal.  :D
