editing sound


Active member
  whays the best method for recreating the sound effect where..................you are standing , say outside a club and you can hear the muffled music then you walk in and the music gets both louder and clearer/sharper ?

I have tried it a few times but never been happy with my dis-embodied fx
It's not a totally digital method but one of the easiest tricks, if you have a really good microphone set up, is to just play the sound over a speaker and cover it up with an appropriate barrier. You can either remove the barrier mid-recording where you want to, or if you're not sure on the exact timing just crossfade into a purer version of it that's synced up.

If you want an all digital, technical way to do it... ya crank up some reverb, turn down the volume, and get some high frequency filters. The bass and low frequencies will come through because of the vibrations they cause and the higher stuff will be audible but really muted down.

I love love love love love the way this effect happens naturally in the Pinocchio ride at Disneyland. You approach the gates of pleasure island and you can hear the carnival music blasting inside and the gates open up and suddenly you're immersed in the loud atmosphere.
aye a bit like that dolbyman , its used in loads of movies (I remember It from the start of the !st blade film where they are walking through ...........the meat cold storage facility and go into the rave )

many thanks  ;D