External Hard Drive Help



I wound up breaking the USB port on my original EHD, so I was forced to use FireWire, which let me access my folder directly through Windows Explorer, thus eliminating the need to buy an EHD.

So now most of my media is on my hard drive, and my laptop has breathed a sigh of relief. However, iTunes doesn't know that, and many of my files cannot be found by iTunes. I checked two articles, but they were either out of date or only applied to Macs. (I have Vista, iTunes v.8.0.0).

What's the easiest, most efficient, and less time consuming way to tell iTunes where to find my files (that are no on the EHD)?

Thanks in advance!
I think the only reasonably quick way to fix iTunes so it sees the new files is to re-add them all from their new locations. This means you'd have to rebuild playlists and such with the new file entries. :(
You could also try to play each missing file, get the "This file is missing" message, and opt to browse for it to give it the new location in order to not have to rebuild your library and all your playlists from scratch, but that takes much, much longer.
didn't get you problem there ..

you broke your usb port and now you are using firewire .. if the driveletter didn't change what is the difference to usb use ?  ???
The only time I have had problems like this was (as dolby suggests), when the drive letter had changed and explorer didn't recognise it as the same drive and allocated another letter to it.
If it has, change it back and allocate the correct letter to it (it happened to me with the way/sequence Windows read the USB ports so all the torrents appeared to be on another drive).
maybe firewire gets read first or last and so reconfigures the letter?
Not having a firewire port, I'm not sure how explorer sees one - does it allocate it as a drive with a letter like the USB does?