Forever project

i'm currently at 76.2% downloaded for the Disney world forever project torrent. Unfortunately it has been hanging at that percentage for a while now. It hasn't downloaded anything for days now(not even 1 kb/s!). Is there any way to fix this, or is it normal. I know it's a big torrent, but that shouldn't be a problem.
Are there seeds?
If you are only downloading from peers, maybe that's as much as they have.
I have had things stick for days until a seeder came on or, collectively, the peers had 100% of a file.
Sometimes large files don't get seeded as much as smaller ones because they take a while to upload.
If it's the 5.3G one from SirLamer, I suspect lack of seeds but check with your client, it should tell you.
I haven't downloaded this one because the size is a little too large (darn "fair use" ISP policy!!!! >:()
it's working good now. I paused the downloading for a few minutes and then resumed it. That seemed to do the trick. I use Bittorrent's client for my torrent downloads.
I have had excellent success with Vuze (Azerus).  Sometimes stopping the download, then restarting the client seems to work as well.
I have been having problems trying to download both Forever projects.

I was able to get to 99.9% of the Disneyland Forever project when it wouldn't go any further.  Every few days, I would try, but without luck.  At one point, I tried and the % done went back down to about 65% and I had to reload back to 99.9% where I am at now.  I always get the error, "Error: Resume data save fails: C:\...\The Disneyland Forever Project\Disneyland Forever\Audio\Peoplemover, 'Tron Light Cycles' #1 (unreleased).mp3".  When I check, I find I have all of the files except for the 3 Tron files (Game Grid, 89.8%; Cycles #1, 0%; & Cycles #2, 70%).
So far, I have downloaded 6.53GB out of 4.2 GB.

The same thing happened for me with the WDW Forever project.  I was able to get up to over 95% before the reset back to the upper 30%.  I am currently at 62.5% having downloaded 8.38GB out of 5.3 GB.  I get the same type of error.  I am still able to stop/start and get some more, but it will periodically stop with the error.

I currently use Vuze (Azerus).  I was using ABC, but it would error out right away when trying to download DLF.

Then, to complicate the situation, my upload speed max is about 3.2KB (the joy of 1-way cable).  Therefore, sharing out causes everything to run slower.

Does anyone have any ideas?

(I appreciate Mousebits and everyone who contributes and supports it.  Especially all of the work that went into the Forever projects.  Thank you for keeping these treasures alive!!!)  (No, I'm not trying to brown-nose.  Just expressing my honest thoughts.)
Do you have any problems with any other downloads?
Downloading 6.53GB for a 4.2GB file means something is very wrong. It means the data on your PC is corrupted or lost.
If the resume data fails, something has happened to what is already on your PC, I think (ie some data is being lost from your file on the PC) and Azureus is trying to redownload it.
I would suggest downloading it afresh to a different folder (clear your internet caches first and the temp files folders and anywhere else it may be storing data for it).
May even be that the data is getting damaged (due to interference on your line or something) in transit.
I would also suggest a full virus scan to be on the safe side.
Check as well that the lists and sizes of files are still the same (in case the torrents were altered since you started them).
Is your copy of Azureus from the genuine site? Some copies from other places contain Trojans etc which can cause problems.
The problem is something with your client or PC, I think as I haven't read of any problems in the forums.
Thanks Eyore for the quick reply.

I normally do not have problems with downloads (the older ones on ABC and the newer ones using Vuze).  It is true that most of these downloads have fewer files involved, so I suspect the number of files is related.  I did try (temporarily) disabling one of my security programs in case it was the cause, but got no change.

I do regularly scan my computer using multiple scanning programs.  As for the software, I used the link from Mousebits to ensure I had the correct site to download from.

As for the other ideas, I will try them (clearing the caches and temp file folders) and will retry the downloads into a different folder.  I am willing to listen to other suggestions if anyone has any.
I'm no expert on this but have learned the hard way (and by asking, as you have) and managed to fix pretty well all the problems both downloading and uploading but, sometimes, we just have to pick our brains as something comes up when the actual files or site can't offer a reason for why somethings going wrong.
From what you say, parts of the file are going missing when you start to redownload (hence the difference in downloaded and the actual size of the file) so instead of the 95% you had, you now only have 30%.
Just as a thought, are you downloading to an external drive(s)? I had that and the drive letter changed and it caused all sorts of problems. There were bits of the torrent all over the place ::)
That meant that I started the download on, say "F" drive and the next time I switched the PC on it decided that it was now "G" drive and a second external disc was now the "F" drive, and so started downloading to that one (from the start). Next time it reversed them and started downloading to the first drive again (but showed a lower % as yours did).
As the files are so large and you probably don't get them all in one go, I suspect that something like that may be happening each time you swithch the PC on.
That's the sort of thing that causes these problems so you really have to search around and see what's happening on your own machine.
I'm sure there are hundreds of variations to that theme so it's a case of sitting in front of the PC and thinking hard. It'll come to you in a flash, I'm sure.
As I say, I can't think of anything with Mousebits that would cause it. ???
Hope you get it sorted out.
I don't think iTunes (or most MP3 players for that matter) play FLAC files.  They need to be converted to MP3 or other supported file types.  Seach google for information on file conversions, Mousebits isn't really the site for that.