HD Videos



For some reason whenever I download Dolbyman's HD videos, such as the USH Hollywood Tour one and play it on my MAC, the frame rate is the pace of a snail (it's barely moving at all) and there is never any audio. Any suggestions?
I'm on a core2duo 2ghz mac and my frame rate is very slow as well but I do get the audio. It's just the size of the thing and complexity of decoding it really. Computers aren't as caught up as they'd like to be for HD.

If you're going to play it at all it's gotta be in VLC though to have a chance.
you have to use mediaplayer on this one (or any other player that support VC-1. )

I have a AMD X2 4400+ and a C2D 6600 and both are running the video just fine (Media Player11) VLC on the other hand is not playin it right

I also heard that it play fine on Mac (dunno what player though)
VLC might not have all the hardware acceleration up to par for it maybe.. shrug. I just know when I try to watch i usually have to hit pause and play again after a few seconds cuz it'll frequently lock up framewise.
Thanks for the input...if I compress it to a smaller size, will the rate be faster? Or should I get one of these programs?
mediaplayer is not an option for mac. vlc's the best bet or perhaps the divx player itself but it's going to freeze up stil and you'll have to hit pause and then play again after a second sometimes. You can compress it down to like a normal size and just lose the quaity since your monitor isn't that big anyways but it takes a while to do obviously.
make sure you guys try the excellent Perian codec at perian.org if you are on a mac.  It will let you play alot of things in Quicktime, comparable to what VLC plays.  And currently, Quicktime is the only player that will use both cores on a dual core Mac, VLC still uses one.