Is tracker offline??


Hello again,

I was downloading a few torrents and I switched my pc on and Utorrent gave the error message at the trackers tab: offline.
Date is: 20-3-2010.
Is this a temporarily problem or is something wrong with my port? I use port 6888 and is properly forwarded.
Please return a message, 'cause I really want to know what's going on.


P.S. I typed in the browser, but got a 404 - not found error from IE.
That would result in the problems you had and would resolve itself if the tracker was back online when it updated.I don't seem to have had any problems myself though.
Wcool, is it working for you yet?
I suppose every site everywhere gets the occasional drop of service sometime.
I was also having trouble with uTorrent.  I kept getting a red sign at the bottom and my download speeds dropped to 1-2k.  I clicked the red sign and ran the speed tests and my speed registered at 587k and uTorrent informed me that the port was not forwarding (even though I was able to download).  I checked my router settings and the port was open!  So I changed the router's Server IP address (from ---.---.-.2 to ---.---.-.3) and now I have a green check in uTorrent (and download speeds up to 839k).

Just goes to show you what a little tweeking can do  ;D
Hi again,

Everything is working fine now for some unknown reason ???, and there is also a green circle with a tick in it in Utorrent.
Ran speedtests and port check and everything is okay now.

if you annouce to many torrents at once (like at startup) the tracker could treat you as ddos attacker and block your ip for a minute .. thats what happened to me back in germany all the time I lowered the maximum number of announces per second and it was fixed