ISO Help


Hello all. I am a little confused as to how exactly I burn an ISO to a DVD. I know that I saw the instructions somewhere here but I am unable to find them now. The only thing I found was the post that had the link that took you to nero. I already have burn capability so I just need instructions as to how to do it. Thank you for being patient with those of us that are technically handicapped. :D
a quick method would be (i assume you are on windows) to download the program imgburn. then you just open the iso into that program, and it will burn it onto a dvd. more advanced options include using roxio or nero.
I don\'t know what it was translating, but I especially like the:
\"3. Attitudes of the combustion examine\" in the directions. :lol:

Sorry for the drift, but along those lines, take a look at:
Thank you all for your help. It turned out that all I had to do was drag the file to my burn program. For some reason I thought it was much more complicated. Anyway, Thanks. :D