Need an uploader

I've been wanted to contribute the source Adventureland area music, and just recently read that I need permission. This is understandable. My question: who needs to hear this and how can I get it to them?
PM one of the mods with full details of what you have (including which park and which particular area of the Adventureland - there are several areas that have a loop) or post it on a fileshare site and send them the link (don't post the link in a forum yet though).
Do make sure to the best of your ability that it isn't commercially available material (which isn't allowed here).
I suspect it will be though. You could check the playlists in the blogs on first just to see if a playlist including source recordings has been done (much of it has been).
As far as I know, much/all of the Adventureland stuff is from CDs.
You could also just post the details in this thread as far as where the music is from (park and area).
We'll probably know if it's allowed or not as a guide.