odd flipping sound in track

I DL'd a couple of files from another site, and in part of them I can hear this little flipflipflipflipflip sound. Anyone encounter this and know what to do with it?

sorceress1986 said:
I DL'd a couple of files from another site, and in part of them I can hear this little flipflipflipflipflip sound.  Anyone encounter this and know what to do with it?


Well, like everyone is saying, it's not much to go on.  However, can you provide the track names and the site you downloaded them from?  
I was going to say the same as Horizons. Does it sound like a warped record `thudding`?

Did I just show my age?
Horizons said:
sorceress1986 said:
I DL'd a couple of files from another site, and in part of them I can hear this little flipflipflipflipflip sound. Anyone encounter this and know what to do with it?


Well, like everyone is saying, it's not much to go on. However, can you provide the track names and the site you downloaded them from? Your description reminds me of a sound that comes through some ALD recordings.

No, I realize it's a tad nonspecific. I'm not good at these sort of descriptions. I know it's at the tail end of my Matterhorn Queue loop and throughout a good chunck of my tomorrowland loop.

It's sort of sounds like something going around, or a flickering sound over the track. And it changes speeds, it can be a little faster, or a little slower.

Does that help?
Yeah I had ths problem with my Nightmare Before Christmas CD. I think it has something to do with age, not sure.

The only thing I hear wrong with the Matterhorn loop though is that the music switches from the right ear to the left constantly.
You know, I don't tihnk I ever noticed that...I guess I should get my hearing checked!

The problem on the Matterhorn Loop doesn't start until, maybe the last couple of minutes.
It sounds like old tape running off, I managed to clear that out, but there are some regular beeps underneath.

I think this recording was made on a reel to reel.
Cyclic clicking/flipping noises are usually due to one of three things:

[*]A rhythmatic error in the source of the digital file, including a scratch on a CD or LP which is read during each rotation or some sort of roller on a magnetic tape which damaged the tape's intregrity at some point.

[*]A problem with the audio buffer on your sound card running out because either your system is too slow to keep up (unlikely) or some other device is relentlessly hogging the CPU or the PCI bus communication channels (more likely).

[*]If the effect occurs only at the end of tracks that make sounds right up until their end, then the program you are using for playback does not pre-buffer upcomming tracks. Since it neglects to do this until the current track is done, the audio buffer is not fed anything new and it ends up looping until the buffer is complete. Some audio formats make this impossible, though, because there's a bunch of blank data at the start of the file that make continuity impossible unless the file is flagged at a secondary starting point as iTunes does with its filels.

The first issue is probably the case if you find the effect on only certain tracks with no pattern within or between file types. You can do little about this other than filter it out, depending on the nature of the damaging noise.

If you find the problem to be consistent regardless of what file you play, or if all files of a certain type cause this, it's probaly the second issue. You could try different programs for playback or trying removing peripheral USB devices and see if the issue stops.

But, my guess is that it's the third case, where your program is not pre-buffering upcomming tracks. In general, I find WinAmp to be pretty bad at this and WMP to be pretty good at this, though WMP still "pops" between tracks.

iTunes is by far the best for continuous playback because it scans the files for the start of the actual audio and flags it for future reference by the audio player.
I've had the same issue when trying to burn a Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mp3 to a cd. The VBR doesn't allow the file to be converted correctly to the cd readable format and you get that odd sound.
pyrotech said:
It sounds like old tape running off, I managed to clear that out, but there are some regular beeps underneath.

I think this recording was made on a reel to reel.

I'd love to get a clean copy of the MH loop if you could share it. The one I have has the same sound issue at the end.:thumbsup:
Steve, Its not a CLEAN copy, but a cleaned up copy, and it still has these beeps from about 19 minutes, but the main flutter/clutter has gone.

I've put it up on some free space I have.

Hope its better than what you have. If yo do d/l let me know and I can clear the file out.

opps forgot to sign in!!!!!