Peer Problems


New member
I\'m really new to the world of torrents. I\'ve been using uTorrent to access the files on this site for only a few weeks, and everything worked perfectly until today. For some reason none of my downloads or uploads have any peers, and the tracker status under the General tab of each torrent says \"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.\" Does anyone know what this means? I believe I have my ports forwarded correctly, but is there anything else I can do (My Windows Firewall shouldn\'t be a problem, since it seems to be permanently disabled for some strange reason. I still don\'t know what\'s going on with that...)? I\'m just worried that I\'ll never get this to work again.
I do not know how to remedy that specific problem offhand. I will look into it, and others here may know the resolution firsthand. My concern is if you use Windows Firewall to protect your machine from internet attacks, and that is now permanently disabled, I would concentrate on that first.
the windows firewall can really cause many problems ... are you using a router or a modem ?
Thanks for responding so quickly!

I\'m using a Linksys BEFSR41v3 router, but I followed all the steps to create a static IP and forward the port that uTorrent uses, as laid out on

As for the windows firewall, for some reason none of the options can be clicked on, and it\'s set to off (not by my choice). I was using the Agnitum Outpost Firewall to protect my system, but the free trial ran out a week ago :-/
the nat and internal firewall of the linksys should protect you so you don\'t need the windows firewall left on ..

in the command line enter: services.msc

and make sure the firewall service is disabled :)
Interesting... I did as you said dolby, but even before that I guess uTorrent fixed itself somehow... Things are working fine for now, I\'ll post again if the problem comes back. Thanks again!!
kaliwolf said:
I'm really new to the world of torrents. I've been using uTorrent to access the files on this site for only a few weeks, and everything worked perfectly until today. For some reason none of my downloads or uploads have any peers, and the tracker status under the General tab of each torrent says "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." Does anyone know what this means? I believe I have my ports forwarded correctly, but is there anything else I can do (My Windows Firewall shouldn't be a problem, since it seems to be permanently disabled for some strange reason. I still don't know what's going on with that...)? I'm just worried that I'll never get this to work again.
as you can see with this post you're noit logged in so the tracker refuses your ID .. just login and it should work
Actually, the site does not check to make sure that you are logged in (by comapring your uTorrent client's IP with your last logged in IP address). It would do that if we had the private tracker security feature disabled.

That error message indicates that you couldn't connect to the site in the first place. There is probably a firewall or some other port routing issues. Make sure you don't have any firewalls blocking access, particularly software firewalls. Note that many security programs bundled as "antivirus" often also include a software firewall.

A hardware firewall, such as that in a network router, that is UPnP compatible (most modern routers) shouldn't experience trouble with uTorrent.
ctually, the site does not check to make sure that you are logged in (by comapring your uTorrent client's IP with your last logged in IP address). It would do that if we had the private tracker security feature disabled.

realy ? .. wow hope we're not getting a public tracker then :-/ (torrents hosted elsewhere but with same info)
Hi all,
My utorrent seems to be showing "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." as my tracker status and my dowload speed is at 1kb/s max...Help?