Reconnecting seeds after moving to new computer

I am having to move to a new computer. Is there a way that I can point uTorrent to the new folder and get it to start seeding again or am I out of luck?
I managed it a few years ago.
Just sort out utorrent with the folder name etc and transfer the files to your new PC (or plug in the HDD or whatever) and then double click the original torrent files.
If it's done right, Utorrent will check the files and start seeding them.
The thing is, you must tell Utorrent where the files are and restart the torrents.
If you get "downloading" instead of "checking", you've pointed it to the wrong place.
As your copy of Utorrent will be a new one, it won't have any memory of the files you have already downloaded regardless of where they are so they all need to be restarted again.
Point to folder, say,  C:/Utorrent files as where to save the files to (or, if on an external, to where they are now).
Move all the files you want seeding to that folder on your new PC (no action needed if on an external that you used with the last PC).
Find the original torrent files you downloaded (download them again if you deleted them) and double click on them to start them.
Utorrent looks in the folder you specified and, if it finds the file already there and unchanged, it will just check all is OK and start seeding.
Long winded but it worked.
Of course, now someone will come along with an easier way  ;D
Thanks for the help. I have a couple of weeks until the move, but I wanted to see if it is possible. I want to make sure I can continue to help seed the files that I have downloaded from here.
I think I had to do this with around 200 torrents  :(
Took a few tries (and not a little foul language) to get everything pointing to the right thing etc but it worked. The checking sometimes takes a while for larger files.
Just make sure you have the original  .torrent files still on the PC to transfer to the new one or use the two weeks to re-download them again. For ease, burn them all to a CD and then copy them back to your new PC.
So the *.torrent files are necessary? I don't I have ever saved them. I click the "open with" option and don't think they are downloaded. So it appears that I will have to re-download them again  :o
the torrent files contain your user hash .. and should be stored in a folder either in your personal files or in the torrent program folder

but you could also redownload all of them . .that works fine too
Yes, you need them  :(
Once you have removed a torrent from the client  it has no memory of it so you have to start from scratch and download each torrent from fresh (as though you never had them - ever).
As it's a new PC, the install of the client will be the first the PC knows of it so you need the torrent file to start it up again.

I've avoided the "open with" option for just this reason and now always download the actual torrent file if I think I will ever have the possibility that I need to re-seed it at some future date (I don't think they need to be in the same file as the downloads and they are so small a few hundred of them won't make any difference to the PC anyway) .
May be worth doing a search for *.torrent just in case the PC has stashed them away somewhere and you haven't cleared out the files yet. You never know your luck  ;)
On Windows XP, it looks like uTorrent stores the .torrent files in the directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\uTorrent

You can copy those .torrent files into another directory on your new PC, and then when you run uTorrent on the new computer, have it open those .torrent files.

Even if you don't explicitly download and save a .torrent file, uTorrent still needs to save the contents of that file somewhere so it can use it again the next time uTorrent starts up so it can continue to download or seed a torrent.

Pixelated, you are a star!
I thought they must be there somewhere but never thought of there  ::)
I'd assumed a temp file somewhere but no, there they all are.
I'll probably copy them to cd (well, the Mousebits stuff) just in case of catastrophe (which I'm sure is long overdue with my PC - it's taken me several days to sort out a bad block on my HD (sure sign it's failing) and get the thing to boot up. I feel a cloned drive coming soon).
Thanks, I found the torrent files in a similar location in Win 7. How do I tell utorrent where the new download folder is located?
In the settings section (looks like a cog - far right on the latest version) or options/preferences/directories. Make sure that's the folder all the completed files are in.
The Application Data directory is a hidden directory so you'll need to make hidden files and directories visible.  In the Windows Explorer top menu bar:
Tools -> Folder Options -> select the "View" tab -> enable "Show hidden files and folders"

Yep, in Windows 7, that directory has been renamed to AppData and it looks like uTorrent keeps the .torrent files in: