RSS feed for new torrents


I was wondering if an RSS feed is available for new torrents uploaded to this site.

After searching the forum, I found this thread ( where SirLamer mentioned that the feed does exist, but that there was a bug in the code, which was being corrected.  Has this issue been resolved?  Is an RSS feed now available?  If so, could you please share the feed address with me.

Thank you very much!
That RSS feed url should work

I will post a new torrent in a minute, so you can use that as a test case  ;D
Unfortunately that RSS feed only feeds forum posts.  It doesn't seem to feed new torrents.  Also, it appears that it hasn't fed any new posts since May of 2010.

I guess there is no active RSS feed for torrent posts?


I tried the link above and it showed both torrents and forum messages. I added it as a live bookmark to Firefox. When I click on a torrent in the list, it opens the torrent page. The forum posts don't do to the correct place though. They go to the main page.

The torrents are showing the correct ones in the right order.

interesting.  Not sure why I got different results than you did.  I am using google reader.  I'll have to play with it more.

Anyone else able to get both torrents and forum posts?
Ahhhhh I see..., the "trick" is you need to login to MouseBits first, then the RSS page will display both torrents and (old) forum posts.  Otherwise, you see only the forum posts.
I'm not using a dedicated reader, just a regular web browser like Internet Explorer.  I navigated to and clicked on the "Subscribe to this feed" link at the top of the page to add it to the list of feeds.

Firefox has Live Bookmarks which only shows the titles of the torrents and the subject of the forum postings and not the details.

dolbyman, I'm using Firefox 3.6.13 and in the Live Bookmarks toolbar button for MouseBits, I see the latest 20 torrent titles followed by around 30 forum posting subjects.

I'm guessing a dedicated RSS reader like the Google Reader is not working because it doesn't have a way for you to authenticate/login yourself to MouseBits and so you're not able to see the torrents.

EDIT: prd3000, try this with MouseBits and Google Reader:
Subscribe to Password-Protected Feeds inside Google Reader