Split MP3 files and change titles of MP3s


I need some help about erasing titles of mp3s after I split them. I split some mp3s and I was wondering can you change the titles of the mp3s. When I split the mp3s the titles stayed the same. I would like to change the titles of the mp3s. Are there some programs I can use to do this. Thanks for your help.
When I split MP3s, the title is whatever I make it (ie renamed) and nothing of the old title remains.
What are you splitting them with?
Musicmatch also has a section to change the track tag on them.
Where is the old title showing up?
I may be a little out of date on this and, if so, sorry. :-[
Just going into the mp3 file's properties should allow you to change the file name. I don't know if it is any different with Macs however.
I just wanted to chime in...  If you do end up making changes to file, please don't redistibute them.  The reason is, over the years, many files have changed hands, some renamed, some converted, then converted again and then renamed, etc.  We have a ton of files now that started out as something else.  Cleaning it all up is a nightmare!

So, go ahead and change whatever you want/need for your tastes, but just file them away someplace so that you don't send them out again.
Excellent point.
Fine on your own PC but really confusing if they "do the rounds" and you end up with the same versions or, even worse, a partial version of selected stuff thinking it's something new - and, of course, the result of someone's hard work putting it together in the first place who doesn't get any credit.
Keep a folder with the originals in and keep the renamed stuff in another.