The need to burn it all! :D

I am not one that enjoys watching shows on my computer.  I just can't get as comfy in my office chair as I can on my couch :)  Is pretty much every dvd I download from here going to be burnable onto a DVD?  It's not just iso files that you can do that with is it?
Yes but you need the software (eg Nero) and you may need a conversion program to convert those files Nero (or others) can't read.
There's NOTHING I have from this site that isn't either on DVD (or SVCD for smaller files) or CD (for audio files) in some form or another.
Everything here  (within reason  - you can't make a DVD from my Santa Fe logo files, for instance although you can store them as data and reload into the PC as needed).
You may also find that your DVD player will also play files like avi without doing anything to them at all (read the manual). In which case just copy them as data and play them.
I can't play the HD stuff on my PC (too slow) and I use the DVDs as a second backup (I don't delete files I download, just in case)
Many possibilities but the short answer is yes.  ;)
Thanks eyore! You're always a reliable source for info!

Can you recommend a converter for me to change, say, avi files into something that will play on an ipod?  Whatever program you think is the easiest (remember, it is ME we're talking about ;)).  If you have a link, that would be great.

I did reburn the 25th ann. show I had trouble with onto a new DVD & it plays fine now.  I also did another dvd with a bunch of shows but haven't had time to watch it yet to see if they all burned or not.

Thanks again :)
Recently, I went and built a home theater pc and have found it great for getting a lot of the content here on the big screen!  I've also installed some media server software and pointed it at the same files and can stream my collection out to the Interwebs to mobile devices and as well as other PCs.  It saves a bunch of aggrivation in actually converting files to DVD where I've had problems in the past keeping audio in sync with the video, etc.

I'm using XBMC (XBox Media Center) installed on a ATOM based PC.  Works great!  I've been converting DVDs to files using a combination of DVDFab and AutoGK.  Seems to do a reasonable job.

For the media server, I'm using Orb and it appears to transcode files on the fly.  I've been able to stream a few HD movies out over 3G to my iPhone and they play fairly well.  Plays audio just fine as you would expect.
Just check the specs for any conversion program (especially if you are buying it). As everyone knows, I have a 1.7 gig XP system with 1 gig of ram and it struggles with many newer programs.
I personally use  Ultra MP4 video converter from aone-soft (bought before I realized just how much free stuff was out there  though  :-[ ) - it's around $30  but with free lifetime upgrades and tech support. Notwithstanding the name, it converts pretty well anything to everything including video soundtracks to mp3 etc so I generally still use it.
They were very nice in emails as well when I got stuck with mov files (unusual these days)
Super is great but takes years on my PC now.
Then again, I don't have anything hi-tech to play stuff on  :P
I've also not tried converting to DVD with it so can't comment on the sync.
I'll have a play around with XBMC (as it's free). I like new toys  :D

Wah. New toy not play :(
Just goes to a black screen and a Microsoft box comes up saying it's encountered an error and has to close.
Oh well, old PC
Also tried an earlier version of XBMC and still no joy, Apparently my graphic chip (S3 ProsavageDDR) doesn't support this OpenGL and there are no driver updates available (box says MS OpenGL detected, please get latest OpenGL from your card vendor).
Must look for an even earlier version  of XBMC. Got the bit  between my teeth now :D