[4.22.1 2006-11-08 02:12:26] INFO : announce: 1.2012699699e-005
[4.22.1 2006-11-08 02:12:56] WARNING : Problem connecting to tracker (http://www.mousebits.com/announce.php?pid=ba6108d71ad27543d9e5500d32cf3c00): Timeout while contacting server.
I hope some one will be able to help me. I have 5 torrents going. And they all seem to be stuck for some reason. And when I go under my name to see how they are doing, it says I have no active torrents going...but I do. The quote above is what I have on all five torrents that I have in my que at the moment. I know that the Celebration, FL one does not have a seeder at the moment, but the others do. One of them was just put up today. Epcot DVD, Lights, Camera, Action Paris, and DL promo 2005... I have had up for some time, with EPCOT being up the longest. And those three have been stuck the longest. Now I have been able to download some of the new stuff from the past few days, and have no problems getting them to open. I am just having trouble with these few. I really don\'t want to totally remove them and start over. So I really hope that will not be my only option. But I have nothing going, no days to go, no download rate...nothing.
So, does any one have any idea of why they have stopped loading? And what I can do to get them starting back up? Is it just me having this problem?