Torrent dowload leads to lost internet


Hey guys, for the past few days ive noticed that whenever i download a torrent, after a while the internet just flat out cuts out. I know its something with torrents because ive used my web and nothing happens, but when i try a torrent, it cuts out. I first noticed it when i tried dowloading a big torrent so i figured it was that, but i started dowloading a smaller dl and i get the same result.

Any ideas?
I would think of the router/modem first. It used to happen all the time with my poor Linksys router too. They eventually fixed it with an updated firmware, but I had to restart it almost every day. When the situation improves after a restart of the router/modem, try to see if there is an updated firmware available.

I would also check if you have setup the torrent client correctly. When you do not cap the upload (set it to 80% of your upload speed), your downloads (including web browsing) will suffer severely, since you need some upload capacity when browsing to be able to send the IP acknowledgment packets.
upload (like daja said) and maximum connection could be the problem for your router ... unless you have some uber potent power router you shouldn't use more than 100 overall connections at max
well im proper lost, lol. Beofer i never had this problem, the only change i could see was my roomate were messing around witht eh router so they had to restart ot give it a new passkey. idk if that helps
There lies the problem then ;D
I'd suggest starting from the beginning with it. You've probably changed something when you restarted it and changed the passkey.
Unplug it for a few minutes (from the electric supply) and try again and see if that helps.
If that doesn't work, make like it's a new one and start over.
I suspect your problem is bandwidth related.  Probably BitTorrent is sucking up all your upload bandwidth, which means your connection can't send out calls for file downloads and stuff when browsing websites.  That is fairly typical.

Look up your max upload speed on your connection and cap BitTorrent's upload speed at around 70% of that.  Cut it back a lot more if you're playing online games.

If you're willing to invest some time, a good "QoS" (Quality of Service) configuration can automatically throttle BitTorrent traffic when bandwidth is needed elsewhere.  This is done on the router.  2008/2009 D-Link products have the best QoS features.

Try resetting your modem and router. Also I have ones of those gaming routers with QOS, it works great, I can play xbox and go on the internet and not lag.
I suspect Dolby and SirLamer are the closest to the problem.

Limit your upload speeds to somewhere BELOW youy ISP imposed upload limit.  You don't want to saturate the pipe.

Also, many consumer routers are not equipped to handle the may connections that a torrent download might expese you to.  Try limiting your max connections (not only per torrent but TOTAL) and look at firmware updates or even third party firmwares if your router supports them.  Many of the third party firmwares hande traffic better than the manufactures original firmware.

A reboot will probably help short term, but in my case, it was only a day or so.  After tweaking my upload speed I've been rock solid for months now.  I'm also using a third party firmware as well, but that was in place before the upload/connections tweaks.
Mine used to cut out when I used Azureus... I think it had to do with packets overloading the router. I've since installed dd-wrt on mine which helps out a lot... Added a bunch of features that the router didn't have before.