Vista and Walt Disney CD


As requested by Eyore, here is the message I get trying to run the Walt Disney Bio CD.

The program runs and the intro video plays perfectly, but when it tries to start the menu, I get this...

Mcicod32 Exception Handler

A fatal error has occured in the Motion Pixels codec!
Please update your video/system drivers before reporting the problem
If the problem still exists please contact Motion Pixels at

Fri Sep 26 17:40:46 2008

DLL Version 5.1 Build 1

Windows NT Version 6.0 Build 1771 - Service Pack 1

Exception Type:
C0000005 - Access Violation

Exception Code:
< Address >    < Logical >    < Module >
001B:0807E530  0001:0000D530  C:\Windows\system32\QTVRW32.QTC

EAX=4D127020  CS=001B  EIP=0807E530  EFLAGS=o d I s z a P c
EBX=000001E0  SS=0023  ESP=0012F998  EBP=80840000
ECX=4D127020  DS=0023  ESI=08BF09C0  FS=003B
EDX=95FB7F68  ES=0023  EDI=0012FA34  GS=0000

< Limits >  < Access Rights >
CS=0807E535  Execute/Read
SS=0012F99F  Read/Write
FS=00000FFF  Read/Write
GS=00000001  Read Only

Bytes at < CS:EIP > 001B:0807E530:
66 8B 51 16 66 39 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Stack Dump at < SS:ESP > 0023:0012F998:
0807C353  08BF09C0  ????????  ????????
????????  ????????  ????????  ????????
????????  ????????  ????????  ????????
????????  ????????  ????????  ????????

Stack Walk:
< CS:EIP >    < SS:EBP >    < Logical >    < Module >
001B:0807E530  0023:80840000  0001:0000D530  C:\Windows\system32\QTVRW32.QTC

Memory Status:
Memory Utilization        58%
Physical Memory            2,136,231,936 bytes
Available Physical Memory  886,493,184 bytes
Paging File Size          4,294,967,295 bytes
Available Paging Size      2,613,530,624 bytes
Virtual Memory            2,147,352,576 bytes
Available Virtual Memory  1,959,559,168 bytes

I then hit OK and get a message that the "Projector Skeleton has stopped working"

I have tried it in compatibility from Win95 - XP SP2, and in 256 colours, 640X480 resolution and as an administrator...
Why does it say you have Win NT? You have Vista I believe.
Did you let it install the Quicktime 2
You need to do that even if you already have a version of QT installed (it won't affect your existing setup).
Needless to say, the website they advise has nothing to do with it at all ::)

Come on you Vista users, any ideas?
Works fine on everything else.
I suspect that when this was created, NT was the "most advanced" operating system known, so that's the default.

I wouldn't be caught dead installing QuickTime 2 on any new PC, so I can't help you with that.  I'm still running XP too, so that's the extent of the assistance I can offer.  You MIGHT want to try some of the Quicktime Alternative installs, and maybe even FFMpeg although I don't know enough about that last one.

DEfinetely DO NOT install any of the codec packs that are available, if you have, those might be the cause of some of your codec issues.  Never had good luck with those, maybe on a machine that just plays movies it's OK< but when you create movies, they create a very bad case of codec hell that's very tough to fix.
QT2 installs without altering anything as far as I can see.
It isn't the same thing as the Quicktime player for playing .mov files and the PC will keep them apart.
All my mov files still open the correct player. (A bit like using WMP and the "basic" classic version as well). They install into different directories and have different exe files so there's no crossover.
There's quite a few of the Disney CD Roms that need it and I have had several versions of QT on the same PC without causing any problems (up to now and I've tried a lot of stuff "just in case").
As I say, I don't have Vista so it may well cause problems there :(
I agree totally with what you say about the codec packs.
They'll certainly involve a reinstall of Nero and quite a few other programs.
There are free programs available (usually for avi) which will tell you which codecs have been used and if your PC has them or not.
GSpot Codec appliance and Videoinspector are free and are pretty good utilities.
You can then search for the specific codec needed instead of all the other rubbish (and often Trojans and viruses) included in the pack.
FFmpg doesn't work with this Rom - tried that. It refused everything bar QT2.
I tried everything I had to play the avi files direct from the disc - zilch - no codec.
The codec used is MVI1 so maybe you could find that somewhere else (although I searched and couldn't find it anywhere other than QT2).
As I said, I just installed the required program and it works fine.
Maybe I'll have problems later on but it IS a great CD.
According to VideoInspector, I should have mvi1 and mvi2 codecs from Motion Pixels in my C:/windows/system32/ and the codecs are missing. Could someone who has the program working see if they have these codecs on their computer and maybe post them somewhere I can get them. The program seems to be out of date enough that every link I follow to find it eventually dead ends....

Thanks in advance
Those codecs "should" be installed by the setup program for movie pixels on the CD - the setup program is either AWARE.EXE or AWARENT.EXE depending on the system.
Try running the second one (AWARENT,EXE) from the CD and see if it helps. It may just have installed the wrong one (the first one is for Win95 etc) .
I had to do a manual install of that. You may also try running the skeleton projector direct from the CD (that doesn't fill the whole screen by the way) to see if there is a conflict between that and other parts. It's in the Files folder - obvious which one it is.
I do note that the QT is 32-bit. Will Vista run 32 bit stuff?
The file mvicod32.dll should be in the system32 folder in Windows (on XP, anyway) along with the mviaud32.acm file.
Do a search and see if it is on the PC.
If not, here it is (I hope).

