I don't think it's a smart TV. Could be, if it's flashed with custom firmware to enable those special IPTV functionalities I guess as I haven't seen another device besides it (and there were no extra wires going back into the cabinet where your internet (LAN) connection is coming out of...
@fbueller: It may be the worst one, but you can at least cook something yourself and it isn't as expensive as the other hotels (though, Santa Fé is sometimes a bit cheaper, but you lose the cooking option and you're stuck with horrible food, which costs too much) and not everyone has the amount of money to grab a dinner somewhere every evening

Besides, you can park your car right next to your cabin! You can't do that with the other hotels

And if your car runs on LPG/CNG, then driving those few minutes to/from the park won't cost you a thing either and the walking distances were significantly shorter than the other hotels, where you MUST go through whole Disney Village first. I wouldn't consider other hotels. I stayed in Santa Fé a couple years back, but I didn't like it as there is nothing to do there in your room. No cooking, no water heater for a lovely soup that you can't get in France (yes, I take most of my food with me as I've had a food poisoning in Disney Village by eating some salad, took me two months to get back up my feet). I always was already a bit picky about food, but since then I'm very picky about what I eat.
Just my 2c.