Hi. I\'m new here and have only the littlest clue to what is going on. Please tell me if I have these facts straight.
So leechers are people who download many videos/music clips and hardly share any at all.
The seeders are people who also download videos/music but actually share the information back so more people can download it faster.
BASICALLY, all you have to do is get a program that can open where the Torrents tell them to go, and you can get your download right away then?
Also, do you have to use the IRC chat to recieve files?
Thank you so much to anyone that answers. I\'ve started to search the boards for information, so I guess I\'m slowely figuring stuff out!

So leechers are people who download many videos/music clips and hardly share any at all.
The seeders are people who also download videos/music but actually share the information back so more people can download it faster.
BASICALLY, all you have to do is get a program that can open where the Torrents tell them to go, and you can get your download right away then?
Also, do you have to use the IRC chat to recieve files?
Thank you so much to anyone that answers. I\'ve started to search the boards for information, so I guess I\'m slowely figuring stuff out!