Clips from DVDs


Active member
Please bear with me as senility has set it.
On my old PC I had saved a web page on how to do this and I've been doing it for years but, since my HDD packed in and I had to replace it, I can't find the stuff.
I put the DVD in the PC, searched for the section I wanted to get, pressed a button and it saved the clip to my hard drive - as easy as that but what program was I using  ???
It was freeware and didn't involve doing anything other than set the start and finish of what I wanted to rip (no menus, no bells and whistles etc).
I'm feeling really stupid at the moment.
I recall that there was a preview window and a start and finish marker and a capture button.
Searching the web I'm confronted with all sorts of complicated ways to do it but this was really easy to do. It didn't involve ripping whole vob files or anything like that - just the video equivalent  of "play the section of the DVD you want and record it to your HD" - usually as an avi file.
Ring a bell with anyone?

Old age should be banned!
Eyore, not sure if its the same prog, but it does sound a bit like virtual dub.  Though it does have bells and whistles if need be.....could do what you ask. (I think, but the mind of a donkey is hard to fathom)
Aye, sounds like either VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod.  I think VirtualDubMod does the mpg stuff, it's been many moons since I worked in those programs, me mind is a little rusty...
OK, not quite as senile as I feared.
It's DVD shrink BUT I'm getting an odd error with it. When trying to open my own home movie DVD of DLRP, it's giving an error "Invalid DVD navigation structure". I have to select reauthor and then select the vob file that way.
I'm presuming this is caused by my DVD recorder (it's a new one). Last year's holiday videos play fine on everything else. Wonder what I have done?
Everything I read seems to say it's the protection system on the DVD (er, no, I made the DVD from my videocam).
Works OK if I copy the vob file onto my HDD first though.
Oh the joys of a new PC  :-\
Still, I can get my clips done now.
I'll have a look at the other programs. Memory isn't what it was these days.
I wonder if it's Windows 7 or my newer DVD recorder?
They play fine on everything (including the PC) so it doesn't seem to be the DVDs BUT it's only the ones burned on the newer DVD recorder that are affected (the previous ones open fine in Shrink).
I'll try the same ones with shrink on my old PC. That should say if it's a Windows 7 issue or not.
I'll report back.
As I said, transferring the vob file with the clip I need to the PC works fine and opens with the latest version of Shrink so maybe the info files or something? Interesting. Should keep me busy for a few days anyway.
I looked up the FixVTS app mentioned in that AfterDawn forum thread and found this in its description:

Another good use is for DVDs that have been authored with deliberate "errors" in the IFO or VOB files, such that they still play on your player, but won't open in DVD editing tools such as DVDShrink, VobBlanker and others.

It seems odd that a consumer DVD recorder would do that but I guess it's possible.
pixelated said:
I looked up the FixVTS app mentioned in that AfterDawn forum thread and found this in its description:

Another good use is for DVDs that have been authored with deliberate "errors" in the IFO or VOB files, such that they still play on your player, but won't open in DVD editing tools such as DVDShrink, VobBlanker and others.

It seems odd that a consumer DVD recorder would do that but I guess it's possible.

That's exactly what the Sony arccos system did, caused a lot of hassles as a lot of DVD players could not read the files either. 
Recorders can be a pain. I posted in numerous forums as my newer player refused to read any RW disks (and the manual said they needed to be "finished" - with RWs - yeah, right Duh!.). Even the maker (panasonic, I think it was) couldn't help. No answers came but, after a LOT of searching, I found the reason. In simple terms (ie those I understand) there are two types of recording DVD-V and DVD-VR and they are not interchangeable between makes of recorder although they all play on DVD players etc. My old recorder used one method and the new one the other and n'er the twain shall meet. No indication on the box and just one line in the manual "this DVD recorder does not read DVD-VR RW disks........."
I returned it (good job I asked if it would play them when I bought it) and I  bought one that used either method. (A Toshiba).
I think the VR method requires a slightly different finalizing method (on the recorder) before Shrink recognizes it as a DVD.
My old one just "did" it.
I miss VHS............. :'(
I'm off to test the disk on my old PC and see what happens.
oh. had that v/vr hassel on my daughters packard bell dvd hd recorder.  If you wanted to treat it as tape and record and erase it was formatted as vr, but if you wanted to view on other players had to be finished off as a v , then it would only play.  Could be reformatted as vr , basically like the tab on VHS tapes. 
Well, more fun.
It won't work with Shrink on my old PC so it's the disk, not the OS.
I ran the disk through some programs (dvd43 doesn't indicate that there is a DVD in the drive), Isobuster sees it fine but Cssregionfree shows it has Sony Arccos protection!!!!!!!!!
It's a blank Verbatim DVD+R disc  ???
It was recorded on a Toshiba recorder.
Doesn't show up as protected on anything else (and, of course, I haven't protected it as far as I know). I wonder if the Toshiba makes disks copy protected by default? Can't search the web - there's no model number on it (I suspect it's on the back on the reg plate).
Getting complicated and silly now.
Have to dig out the manual, I suppose.
Well the site says it's because they haven't updated the program to keep up with the newer recorders so the "open" commands don't work with them. The protection warning is just wrong.
No faults with the recordings and no problem using the re-author section to split out the clips.
I can live with that.
I may (at last) try and rip out some of the old DLRP parades (SD and wobbly but maybe all there is from the 90's) although I may have to edit some heads etc  ;D
I'd check into VirtualDubMod.  I'm not sure if your use of DVDShrink is meant for what you're doing.  VDM might be a whole bunch easier to use.  Shrink, from what I remember was more for making commercial DVDs fit on a DVD5 disk, or making movie only out of a disk with menues, etc.  I'm sure there were other uses, but those were probably what the majority used.  DVDShronk would reencode the video.

Generally, you don't want to re-encode encoded video.  I've used a few tools in the past.  MPEG-VCR comes to mind, I'm sure there are others.  They would snip out portions without re-encoding, which helps the quality. 
Quite true, it's purpose is to shrink a dvd to fit on a standard dvd but there is an option not to use compression at all so it just copies without doing anything - a handy little utility when you just want to grap a short clip off a video (for Youtube, say) and it's very fast indeed.
I don't notice a loss of quality with it either.
I have a plethora of stuff on my old PC (half of which I've forgotten what they do) in a folder called "audio and visual stuff" including the setup files so I'll have to have a look - I can still access the old HDD as a slave even though I can't boot from it any more.
I'll check out the one you mention, thanks.
I usually run two PCs side by side anyway (lately Me % XP).
I did look into Windows 7 posh version for the XP side of things or the virtual XP but, as I hadn't got a full retail version of XP (only a recovery disc with SP1 as well) I bought another OEM version of XP SP3 (very cheap - around £20) and installed that on my XP machine (new 250Gb HDD - again, very cheap).
Now I really need to get my head around home networking as both are wireless. I've managed to get both to link to the router but networking them together is (for me) a rather complicated thing. That should do for the time being I think. My new PC has the recovery section as a second partition on the HDD - I'm not sure I could cope with another  :P
I need to network as my printer is attached to the older PC and in another room. At the moment I have to copy to flash drive, run up the stairs, load it into the old PC and then print. I'm too old for all this and the stairlift is far too slow!
Organization and I are very distant relatives.
oh, your welcome to all that hassle mate,  XP and win7 just seem to hate each other on my network. Yet the MAC , Ipod touch ,PS3, NAS drive all cooperate with the XP machine, as does my wife's cheap android tablet, but her Win7 laptop, just will not play.  So we ignore her..... ;D

I still have 98 set up for midi devices as it was not economical to change my system, XP and on occasions thats on the network and seems okay.......

not yet found a reason to update my machine to win7
