How to seed previously downloaded torrents with uTorrent



I have been using limewire for a while to download torrents from this site - and now i switched to uTorrent.

I have saved all the .torrent files and the files downloaded from that torrent, and would like to seed them (is this the correct lingo? i want to allow others access so my ratio goes up).

I have tried to add them as shown in the help file for uTorrent:

File -> Add torrent (no default save)
Then select the .torrent file
Then confirm the correct torrent contents

When i do this it adds it's self to the torrent list but sits with its status as "stopped".

How can i make sure I am seeding this? From the torrent list on mousebits it shows i am not.

Hi bingie,

Try this:
1.) Open uTorrent. Select Options Menu. Choose Downloads item. Make sure "Put New Downloads In:" points to the directory which contains the downloads (not the torrents, but the media).

2.) Remove all the torrents which show as stopped on your user page here on MB.
  a.)highlight required torrents
  b.)right click
  c.)select "Remove And",->, "Delete .torrent".
      NOTE: Make sure you do NOT choose ".torrent + data" as this will delete the downloaded file(s).

Do these steps for each torrent you need to re-add
3.) Redownload the .torrent files for the required torrents from MB

4.) In uTorrent, File, Add Torrent...

5.) Ensure the "Save As" path points to the location of the files listed in the "Torrent Contents" section

6.) Click OK. If the required files are found, uTorrent will autocheck and start the torrent seeding.