incorrect size reporting??


New member
Hello everyone....and thanks in advance for your patience...

I LOVE this site....I'm a former CM, so a lot of this music has special significance for me.  Thanks again.

On the the question--I'm using an Intel iMac, downloading with the Opera Browser Torrent client.  Some of the torrents have come through fine, but several seem to get hung up part (or most of the way) through, even though it shows on the site here that there are seeds available.

In a few cases, the torrent shows 99.8 or 99.9 complete, but it just won't quite make that final jump.

Is there a way to tell if maybe the reporting is inaccurate, and the full files are actually complete?


First question.
What client are you using?
The obvious answer is that there may not be a full copy being seeded.
There's usually somewhere in the client to check on availability (in Azureus Vuze you right click the download and select show details). If the availability is over 1.00, then it should finish downloading
If it's less than 1.00 (eg 0.98) then that's as much as you can get until someone with a full copy comes on-line.
In uTorrent, I think it's one of the sections in the main window (and don't pay any attention to the number of seeds it shows, I believe it's not to be trusted).
There have been rare occasions when an upload has been faulty like this but the comments (on the torrent description page) should tell you if there is a problem and it's usually sorted within hours or the faulty torrent deleted.
Lastly,  are the seeds "active"? If they are still in brackets then you are not connected to them, of course and nothing you can do about that - the tracker sorts all that out -maybe you are just far down in the queue for it. It's not unusual to have "stuck" torrents for some time - just the way the system works. They usually finish eventually although it IS frustration to be so near.
Oh, if you list some of the torrents you are having problems with, we can check our own copies etc just to make sure.
Can you play/listen to the d/led files.

I've had a similar problem when reloading torrents. 

The initial d/l would show 100%, I could play then. then if I'd reseed they would show 98-99 %

Try the files out