not allowed to download?



I 've got a little problem and I am sure there are people who can help me.
I downloaded a torrent here, and open it in Utorrent then the tracker says that I am not allowed to download. But if I type in the name of the torrent here, I can see myself by the peers/seeds.
Can someone please help?

Have you set a proxy by mistake - preferences/connections? I think it should be set to "none" - or a firewall/virus scanner you haven't given permission for uTorrent ?
have look here and see if this helps:

Are you having trouble in general or just with Mousebits torrents?

Check those and post back with the exact wording you get (and for what) which will help.
We'll get you working ;D

In uTorrent, when you look at the trackers, it should show
DHT not allowed
Local Peer Discovery  not allowed and Peer exchange not allowed
That's because  Mousebits torrents are private (can only be reached by Mousebits)
so the bottom entry should show Mousebits/announce etc, the status should be "working" and then the time to the next access shown.
Is that what you see?
The proxy stays on none.
I have trouble with all torrents from Mousebits.
the exact wording: failure: not allowed to access this tracker.
I never had problems. untill now.
hope this information helps.

Sorry, more questions.
Does the tracker screen show all the ones I said?
Only the Mousebits tracker should actually do anything. All the others should say "not allowed" because the torrents here are private and can only be accessed via the Mousebits/announce tracker.
Other sites would download using those other ones so you wouldn't have a problem with them.

If that's saying not allowed as well and your firewalls etc are set to allow it, maybe there's a problem with your registration here but an admin would have to check that out. (I don't know enough about that side of things but, if it doesn't see you as a member, you wouldn't be allowed access).
Hopefully an admin will read the posts and have a quick look  ;)

A couple of last questions (for now  ;D ).
Have you EVER been able to download the Mousebits stuff?
Can you download from other, public sites OK?

Please try and answer each question asked.

If all else fails, try a different client and see if that works - just to see (in case you have an incorrect setting somewhere in uTorrent).
eyore said:
Sorry, more questions.
Does the tracker screen show all the ones I said?
Only the Mousebits tracker should actually do anything. All the others should say "not allowed" because the torrents here are private and can only be accessed via the Mousebits/announce tracker.
Other sites would download using those other ones so you wouldn't have a problem with them.
the DHT, Local peer discovery and the peer exchange ary saying: Not allowed.
eyore said:
Have you EVER been able to download the Mousebits stuff?
Yes I downloaded some stuff last week.
eyore said:
Can you download from other, public sites OK?
Yes I can download from other public sites very well.

Hmm, odd. We've covered all that I can think of.

Have some of the torrents stopped midway (ie you were downloading them fine and suddenly you can't get through) or is it just with new torrents?
I'd try and reinstall uTorrent and see if that helps in case you (or someone/something else) accidentally changed something.
That's about as much as I can suggest for now, sorry - I'm out of ideas. It's very strange.

The "not allowed" usually only comes up when a non-validated member tries to download as far as I know because it won't allow non-members access.

I'd hope that an admin will look into it for you just in case something has happened.
Maybe send one a PM?
all my torrents suddenly stopped working, also the midway ones.
I reinstalled Utorrent, but didn't helped.
Do you know who the admin of the mousebits forum is?

wcool said:
all my torrents suddenly stopped working, also the midway ones.
I reinstalled Utorrent, but didn't helped.
Do you know who the admin of the mousebits forum is?



I checked your userid and you have all the rights needed to download torrents. We have seen problems in the past with ip-addresses being blocked by our ISP because of DOS attack like request. If this were the case however, you would have no access to the site at all, not even the forum.

Not much I can help you with. Het spijt me.

Thanks Dajatje.
So that seems to mean that's there's something in the settings on the PC that is stopping access then.
I'd download and install another client and think hard about any programs that you may have installed recently and also do a good scan for viruses, spyware etc on your PC and recheck all firewalls (including your router if you use one) and maybe even do a rollback to before you had this problem in case there's something causing a conflict.
Check you preference settings again, just in case something got changed (when reinstalling, uninstall uTorrent first, restart and then reinstall to clear everything) and then use the default settings.
You may have to start the downloads again though (and I'd use a different folder to download to as well).

There's not much more we can do and there's little on the Internet that describes your problem either. :(.
Let us know if you fix it.
Hi again,

My torrents are working again!!! :D
I was searching for any viruses and nothing has been found.
but then I did a search in the register.
I found several problems what has stopped my torrents from downloading.
First, all my ports were closed for some unknown reason. ??? I also don't know why.
Then in the register of Windows were some settings wrong from the network, router etc.
The above settings were right again, but it didn't wanted to work also then.
Then at last I was a littlebit irritated and I gave my PC a hit. :-[
After that it suddenly worked again. ???
Very strange.
But the main thing is that my torrents are working again. :D
Thanks for the help eyore and Dajatje.;)

Hi again

I was searching and searching so forgot to answer here :-[
I found the windows update who almost destroyed my Vista Ultimate SP1 register. (eyore was right about the windows update).
The windows update his name is: Windows Update KB995621.
TO ALL VISTA ULTIMATE (and maybe also Windows XP) USERS.
If you get a update called this name then DO NOT INSTALL IT.
This is a warning because it will block all your ports and configures your router software very weird. ???
The update has got nothing to do with security, it is just an annoying update and it took me 2 whole days to fix my PC again. :o
For all the admins here, not all users will read this, so maybe it is a good idea to send everybody a PM.

With Kind Regards,

Wcool. ;)
Can't find anything about that update anywhere.
Are you sure it was a genuine Microsoft one?
The number brings no results on Google.
It may have been a virus instead.
Anyway, there appears to be no security update  KB995621. Is it the right number?
Hi there,

I also did a deep search, but it isn't a windows security update. It is a virus.
So to all members, if you get a windows update with number: KB995621.

Thanks for the warning.
A little reminder to us all to keep all scanners etc right up to date as well!