Share Ration on site isnt Good.


New member
Hey there, I got some problems.
Every time when I download a torrent, the share ration doesn\'t compair with my actual share on my torrent program.
Mostly I upload with a ration of 1.5 each file, and on the site it\'ll show me a ration of 0.26 :blink:
And some times when I download a file, I downloaded it just ones, and then on the site it shows me the double in size of the actual file :-/
So how is this possible, my shareration is on 0.57 now, but if the program should have shown right, I must atleast have a ration of 1.5 orso.
Im using Azureus, could that be the problem ??
When you stop the torrent as soon as you download it, it is impossible to get a share ratio of 1.5.
I am seeding 24 hours a day and I still only have a 1.31 ratio.

You are correct in saying that the share ratio on the site is not good. Many people are downloading and not helping to share with other people. It makes the uploader have to start the seed all over again.

If you stop the torrent as soon as you are finished downloading, it does not benefit any of the other people trying to get it. Especially when it is a brand new torrent that has not been distributed to others.

This is NOT directed at you, but a general problem that seems to be worse the last week or so. 20 people will download the file and only 3 or 4 will continue to seed (share). :(

In order to get a 1.5 ratio, you would have to upload 1.5GB for every 1GB you download.

That being said, the site owner is very nice about not imposing share ratios for members :)
I don\'t download everything...and actually probably a tiny amount compared to most...but my ratio currently stands at 2.52 and rising. Everything I have downloaded is active as much as possible...if you need something seeded..just ask and most people will help.
the tracker doesn\'t update your share ratio as often as you would think. that was one of the reasons the last host closed the site down. (or something to that extent. to many calls to the SQL database i do believe). If people want to be leachers that is fine, leech all they want. for now and i think to the very far future, nobody will be kicked for leeching.

I downloaded like crazy when I first came here, but now my time is focused on uploading new stuff to the site since I have most of the things I want from the site.

I guess it just gets a little frustrating when you make the effort to upload stuff and have to seed a 50 meg file for 2 days because NEARLY everyone is snatching it and stopping it as soon as it completes.

There are some great members who make a colossal effort to seed and I did not mean to come across wrong. :blush:

It just seems that the ones who complain the most or request things all the time are the ones who do not want to share :grrr:

I would not kick anyone off for leeching. I would just ask for some cooperation from those who CAN seed.

This site is supposed to be about sharing our love for the Disney Parks and requires the efforts of all.

I think some may not understand exactly how the torrent system works and believe this is just a site where they can come and download files without realizing that seeding is the thing that makes it all work :)

Please realize that this is all coming from this uploader\'s point of view who is capped at a 512 upload speed. I just want to be able to upload my next torrent without having to seed the last one for days ;)
I\'m going to chime in here. I have to say that I have had very few problems ever downloading anything. I have never really noticed a share problem. EXCEPT when I upload a DVD ISO. I do find that it takes quite a while for the entire files to upload to folks. But that is because it\'s HUGE and many people grab at once. And then I do find that as soon as it\'s downloaded, most, but not all the folk immediately stop seeding. Now, I know that after you spend three days downloading a large file you just want to turn off the machine. But I do feel that if you\'ve downloaded a big file you should spend a couple days seeding it. My own rule, and I don\'t mean to suggest that it should be everyone\'s is simple. I download files, and then I let my machine seed them, usuall over night, or for a day or so. Then I let them seed whenever I turn on the machine and use my client. When get a large list of files for seeding, I start stopping torrents that are old and well seeded. When I upload, I temporarily stop seeding everyhting except what I am currently uploading. Once it is seeding, turn on the other torrents. Markmad999, you are uploading stuff so fast that I\'m amazed anyone can seed anything. We are are deeply grateful for the amount of awesome material. But I\'m betting that everyone is grabbing everything you post and stops seeding because they can\'t stop downloading. You are single handedly filling up my hard drive and eating up my bandwidth. (in case that is not clear in the typed word, YOU ROCK!) So I think you might be getting a tad oversensitive to the issue because you are uploading so much, and are therefore noticing the slack more. Or maybe I\'m full of it. That being said, I haven\'t had any problems downloading any of the stuff, and it looks to me like there are a fair amount of sharers. And I think you are right, many people don\'t understand the whole sharing by seeding thing. Some other sites actual ask for people to seed at least as long as they downloaded. Seems fair to me, to I do. And someday soon I\'m going to start uploading some more cool stuff I have...
R3d said:
Hey there, I got some problems.
Every time when I download a torrent, the share ration doesn\'t compair with my actual share on my torrent program.
Mostly I upload with a ration of 1.5 each file, and on the site it\'ll show me a ration of 0.26 :blink:
And some times when I download a file, I downloaded it just ones, and then on the site it shows me the double in size of the actual file :-/
So how is this possible, my shareration is on 0.57 now, but if the program should have shown right, I must atleast have a ration of 1.5 orso.
Im using Azureus, could that be the problem ??

I want to point out that I find it funny that your ratio is .5

You are correct in everything you say. AND.. THANK YOU for the compliment.

There was no problem at first. It has just been the past week that I am having a hard time getting things seeded out there. It\'s probably just a different crowd out there right now.
I am flattered that so many download my stuff. :blush: I am very pleased you and others are enjoying it and that I have the files more compatible now.

I probably am too sensitive about the issue. I just want to be able to share as much as I can. When I see a file with 20 downloads complete and 2 seeders, I get frustrated because I can\'t move on the next one to share with the community. BUT, most of them pick up eventually ;)

It\'s a little different when you upload as you have said. You have to devote all your upstream bandwidth to the file until there are enough seeds. I try to get 10 out there (not counting myself) before I move on to the next. I guess I am overwhelming everyone :lol:

I start other files back up after the intial seeding and let them run until I upload another.

You are absolutely correct about people understanding the whole concept of bittorrents also. It is evident from posts on this site. Many kust don\'t realize it would be great if they could help seed the files.

Thanks for \"chiming in\" and I look forward to more of your cool stuff when you get the chance. :)

Everyone have a great evening and I will keep overwhelming you with my uploads :lol: ;)
Sdiver2489 said:
I want to point out that I find it funny that your ratio is .5

That\'s exactly the point I was trying to make. The people who have no active seeds are the ones who are the most vocal! :-/
R3d said:
Hey there, I got some problems.
Every time when I download a torrent, the share ration doesn\'t compair with my actual share on my torrent program.
Mostly I upload with a ration of 1.5 each file, and on the site it\'ll show me a ration of 0.26 :blink:
And some times when I download a file, I downloaded it just ones, and then on the site it shows me the double in size of the actual file :-/
So how is this possible, my shareration is on 0.57 now, but if the program should have shown right, I must atleast have a ration of 1.5 orso.
Im using Azureus, could that be the problem ??

The reason is because you aren\'t sharing the torrents you download on this site...

Your \"program\" keeps track of all torrents you have downloaded...not just the ones on this site.
I agree that there have been a few problems with the number of seeders on this site. I know it costs a bit extra to leave your machine on, but I think it is important to try to seed at least as much as you download. I know there aren\'t any ratio rules on this site, and I don\'t think there should be any, but people should WANT to share. Users should show their gratitude for posts by seeding them as long as possible to take some of the burden off of the original poster.

I am not complaining by any means, but if everyone would just do their part, everything will run smoothly. In general, in my time with this site, people have been pretty good about seeding things, but there are times when the seeds drop off dramatically.

I appreciate everyone who posts to this site, and I try to do my part to seed as much as possible. I don\'t care how high up on the uploader list I am, I just want to share. :D
This was discussed in another thread here (too lazy to look for it right now) and I thought I expained it well- at least from my personal experience. I think it\'s not that people stop seeding as much as they continue d/l\'ing new torrents. I, like many others I assume, are on ADSL with up speeds much lower than down speeds, which is one reason for the low SR. Secondly, unless you force seed something, you should have set up your torrent client to automatically handle your sharing (e.g. u/l and d/l rate, # of files concurrently active up and down, etc.) and you should adhere to the settings recommended by your client. This low share ratio problem is caused by 1) too many new seeds and 2) too many people wanting the new stuff right away. I\'ll admit I fall into the second category, but will make a conscious effort to curb it. Both torrent clients I\'ve used (Azureus uTorrent) automatically seed a file as you are downloading it, and I have it set to d/l 4, u/l 3 torrents. So if I download 4 torrents, I\'m only seeding those and nothing else. And if after I finish I\'m not d/l\'ing anything else, it will continue to seed those, or it will switch to another torrent that needs more help. However, since there seem to be many new torrents, once a user starts to d/l a new one, the client stops seeding a previous one in a first-in-first-out basis, even if there were only few seeds on the one it stopped. The simplest overall solution is to limit the number of new torrents each day. However if we all make an effort to seed each new torrent we get for a few hours before we start d/l\'ing a new one, it should alleviate this problem somewhat. Then for those users like me who frequent more than 1 torrent site, that\'s a whole other problem. Wow, that was a bit long....
Excellent points, i86time. Maybe that is the problem. I also have my client set to only have 4 or 5 active torrents at one time. Maybe if people will just wait a bit before downloading a new torrent, things will be smoother.
I have all my setting on unlimited speed it seems I have been uplaoding alot faster than downloading and have reached combined speeds of over 400 kbs. I always use the rule of thumb that when I see a good number of seeders for a file and my software no longer has it active and I have burned it to DVD or am waiting for similar material to author a complete DVD I delete or move the file.
A variety of factors can effect seeding, though. Some people might be on dial-up and can pull down some MP3s but not actually seed them. I was leecher that way once upon a time. They may also be low on disk space. I\'ve got a lot of stuff on this site unseeded because I had to burn them off to DVD-Rs and get them off my hard drive. One more factor that may not be all that common but effects me greatly is that many of the multi-track MP3 sets on this site are either untagged, tagged poorly, or are named in ways that just rub me the wrong way. This last reason is admittedly just me being TOTALLY O.C.D., but the fact remains that after retagged and renaming all the MP3 files I\'ve downloaded, I can\'t actually seed them anymore because they don\'t jive with what\'s on the site.

All that said, I still think that everyone should seed as much as possible. Heck, I\'ve got a 2.46 ratio (ah, God bless you, FLAC DLF Project...). But we shouldn\'t come down too hard on folks with lower ratios than ourselves - extinuating circumstances may be involved.
Honestly, I could care less about ratios or who is the top uploader, etc. :|

I just want to encourage the ones who CAN seed to do so. It makes it a lot easier for others to get the files and lets the uploader free up their computers a little faster.

Those who don\'t have the resources to share are completely understandable. :)

I will just continue as I have and upload. When I see what I deem to be enough seeds out there, I will move on to the next one. If the seeds drop, so be it. Someone will come along eventually to help out.

I wish I had a DS3 and I could seed everything I have ever uploaded (and then some!) :lol:

Oh wait...then I would need a few TB of storage. :P


I hear you about the MP3 stuff. I have about 20GB of stuff I got from usenet and I am tired of trying to make heads or tails of it. I think I will trash it. :-O
but to say it with sir lamers words:

\"too many seeders kill the site\" (because of the triggers they send)

so if 2-5 seeders remain per file after the big wave of downloads, it\'s enough ..

and as many said .. I never heard of any major download problems .. and if a reshare is needed it\'s provided pretty fast :)
So, the way I am doing it seems to be fine then...? :)

I think others have pointed out that the low seeding rate comes and goes. It just depends on who is visiting the site at the time and what they are interested in downloading.

Like a former boss of mine said; \"It all comes out in the wash\" :lol:

I definitely want to continue to contribute. I love to share with others who have the same interests :thumbsup:
Hi....Just to add a thought or two to this set of post.

1. I\'m tribute video fan. I know most people that want them have them but I keep about 15 GB on file for seeding. I wish I had video/audio to contribute but I think the one thing I have that I havent seen I think is still commercially available. But I appreciate all that seed and try to give back as I can (can\'t always becaues I need my laptop for work/teaching class too) in gratitude for all that have seeded me.

2. That all being said...I have no idea what settings or anything I have going with respect to my torrent program. I use Opera and it just started working automatically. My guess it\'s going pretty fast. I\'ve d/l at times at speeds over 120kb/sec and I\'ve seeded up files to about 70-80 kb/sec collectively. So my question here is what are these settings and can i do anything to help others get the files seede faster? A post here or PM is fine for response.
If I download something, I\'ll more often than not leave it up for seeding. Before I had some problems at home, I had some torrents seeding for weeks after download, if not 1 month or more. I just feel that if I download it, I\'ll share it as long as I can, or as long as there\'s a need (older torrents with more than 5 I\'ll usually stop).