TUTORIAL: Create torrents for uploading


*** NOTE **** Before you start to upload torrents, you need to get permission from SirLamer. This is pretty easy to do once you have access.

*** EDIT *** This is an additional note. Most clients you can create the torrents in as well, such as azureus, and uTorrent. I just never learned that way, So i\'ll teach you the way I did :)

1. Download MakeTorrent from HERE

2. Once installed, run the program.

3. Click on Classic

4. Depending on if you are adding multiple files to your torrent, or just one file, do one of the following.

[*]Multiple Files - Put only the files you wish to create the torrent for into a seperate folder somewhere on your system. Then in MakeTorrent, click on the DIR button. Browse to the folder you put your files in, Click ok, then proceed to step 5

[*]Single File - Click on the FILE button, and browse to the file you wish to create the torrent of. Click ok, then proceed to step 5

5. In the field that says Tracker, put in the following:


6. Click on Create .torrent now! and choose a place to save the .torrent file on your computer.

Now, come back to dc-torrents.com and do the following.

1. Click on Upload

2. Click on the Browse button beside the line that says Torrent File

3. Find your .torrent file that you created in MakeTorrent

4. Choose a Category

5. Fill in the optional fields if you wish

6. click on Send

7. It should now show you a screen that has a Download link. Download the torrent and open it in your torrent program of choice. When your torrent program asks you where you wish to save the song/video/picture/ whatever, just point it to where you have the song/video/picture/whatever... then your torrent program will check the file, and presto, you are seeding! :)

Any questions, or comments, or corrections, please let me know :)
Also, many client programs, such as Azureus and uTorrent, include the ability to create .torrent files through a very similar process.
SirLamer said:
Also, many client programs, such as Azureus and uTorrent, include the ability to create .torrent files through a very similar process.

bah.. new I was forgetting something.. meant to add that as a footnote about being able to do it in the client software as well... and forgot... I\'ve never done it thru my client software before, so that\'s why I choose to write about MakeTorrent... I know how to use, and can tell others how without taking a few minutes to learn something new! :P

Also, everytime I learn something new, I forget something old. Like that time I learned how to make wine, and I forgot how to drive!
When my work term begins in May, I will have the tile to write PHP-enabled tutorial programs which will allow the user to identify what software they are using, and will offer a customized tutorial on how to use it.