I thought I'd start a new topic for those struggling w/Google's Sound Source widget. I'm no pioneer but I finally listened to my coworker who raved about Sound Search and it proved to be a priceless tool in identifying 7 tracks that neither Shazam nor Soundhound could and now the interest seems to be spreading here on the site.
Keep in mind this is just for Android OS, to my knowledge. Installing is very easy, but keep in mind its not a traditional app and you just need to add it to your home screen as a widget. You of course need to have a 4x1 space on your home screen for it to be placed. Its a relatively simple process providing you have Android and this widget is compatible - I dunno why it wouldn't be.
Keep in mind this is just for Android OS, to my knowledge. Installing is very easy, but keep in mind its not a traditional app and you just need to add it to your home screen as a widget. You of course need to have a 4x1 space on your home screen for it to be placed. Its a relatively simple process providing you have Android and this widget is compatible - I dunno why it wouldn't be.